Trish Butler ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
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Trish Butler ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️



My Story

Hello and welcome to my Scentsy site!

I received my first warmer from my mom, YEARS ago. I instantly fell in love with it, and over the next few years would occasionally buy more wax here and there. I attended a few parties, bought more wax, and never really thought about it again until I needed more. I still have that warmer on my piano.

Then my kids school needed a playground. At the "open house" for fundraising, I met a local consultant who was donating her commissions to the fundraiser. The order I put together was HUGE and I thought "hmmmm, lots of people love this just as much as I do, maybe I COULD sell it".

And I still didn't join Scentsy.

FINALLY, 3 years after that I decided to take the plunge...I was back at home with my kids, had gone through a divorce, was awaiting major surgery that would take me off my feet for 6 months and I thought "now is the time to join, make some money, and at least get some cool new wax and warmers". With some encouragement by my then boyfriend (now husband), I joined Scentsy and my life hasn’t been the same since! I’ve made this my full time job, a part time job, a hobby, and back to full time career and I couldn’t imagine not being a consultant. This Scentsy gig has given me and my family the freedom of spending time together - I can be at all the basketball and volleyball games, I can be the parent volunteer, I can be home when my kids get home from school.

Looking back, I SHOULD HAVE JOINED AFTER THAT FIRST WARMER!! I put it off for so many reason and I look back now and think how silly it was to not take the plunge. I love Scentsy, I love my team, I love what we sell. It's a great product by a team that truly cares about their customers and consultants.

Message me if you have ANY questions about our products or about joining, I would love to add you to my team!

My Favourite Scents